Pass couple weeks...been pretty cool. Studio/Job Hunting/Performing..Cookout next week.shows coming up..Putting together a mixtape isnt as easy as it sounds especially when you actually care of what your saying(mc). Mixtape sounds lik such a typical rapper thing to say..i like to call it body of music...lol,sounds more important.Past couple shows i got the chance to perform with really talented up incoming artist,really inspired me. Beyond music, realizing these are lyrics that i thought of driving in my car got me this far...why not continue. This far isnt mtv or bet..but its still progression it still took work and time.My dream isnt to be a rapper..., but to create and inspire and if this is how i do it then so be it.,let the show begin. I just wana say thank you to all my people..homies that been supporting me from day1 to even those who i never met u got a chance to listen to a song..Thank you.I truly enjoy sharing my creations,it inspires me to create more, and i shall continue.Summer of 2010 has been a blessing thus far, and shall get better as they days come......Bong!
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